Monday, May 9, 2011

Course Reflection 03

Although I already had some background knowledge in color theory, etc., it was a good review and something I constantly try to stay aware of when designing or working on anything. The relation to the design circle also made it more relevant.

The highlight of the past two weeks of Design have definitely been watching the movie Rip! A Remix Manifesto. I was not even aware that copyright and patents was really an issue at all because I have always assumed that the government has ultimate power in that issue. Since Napster was shut down when I was in third grade, accessing media without extensive and exhausting citation is illegal. It makes doing anything in terms of research a lot more effort which is not always necessary when the work is extremely old. It was really an empowering movie and I agree with the views, but what made it even better was the film editing. The editing grabbed my attention with the fast-paced cuts, loud music, and it looked like a lot of work in AfterEffects. It gave the film a very modern feel which was probably the intention of the filmmakers who were encouraging the viewer to move towards the future.

I also liked listening to the guest speakers because they were very easy to relate to since I came into college having virtually no idea what I wanted to do. I would, however, like to incorporate design and make it more relevant when I go into the business field, and their speech got me thinking about that.

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