Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Reading Reflection 04

Chapter 9 in Heskett is a lot about different businesses' approach to design of the company's products and overall identity. there are so many types of businesses that it is difficult to give them one overarching statement. I thought it was interesting that so many nations and companies build off each others' ideas. That has a lot to do with the video we watched earlier this quarter and the concept that people build off the ideas of each other.

In chapter 1- it is a lot about how design can affect the world as a whole. It can help solve many of the world's problems, especially in emerging nations. Heskett goes further and I think it is interesting that he says that globalization is the key to expanding design.

Course Reflection 05

The last few days of class were very enjoyable. I got to watch everybody's presentations and compare them  to our own project. It was very clear to me that everyone put a lot of time and effort into their final projects.

My personal favorite was the project that had solar paneled curtains. The idea seemed very innovative to me and almost futuristic. I also liked the lightbulb placer because I thought it was a fun idea for shorter people, such as myself.

I noticed that a lot of people used Prezi for this presentation, which is rare from all of my classes. I also liked to see the graphics from people in our class who had clearly had a lot of experience in some of the advanced programs. My favorite part of the presentations was seeing the cool graphics.

The part where the groups addressed the users and the clients got rather repetitive but other than that I learned a lot about the various ways to address the same assignment. Everyone's was really creative and cool.