Chapter 9 in Heskett is a lot about different businesses' approach to design of the company's products and overall identity. there are so many types of businesses that it is difficult to give them one overarching statement. I thought it was interesting that so many nations and companies build off each others' ideas. That has a lot to do with the video we watched earlier this quarter and the concept that people build off the ideas of each other.
In chapter 1- it is a lot about how design can affect the world as a whole. It can help solve many of the world's problems, especially in emerging nations. Heskett goes further and I think it is interesting that he says that globalization is the key to expanding design.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Course Reflection 05
The last few days of class were very enjoyable. I got to watch everybody's presentations and compare them to our own project. It was very clear to me that everyone put a lot of time and effort into their final projects.
My personal favorite was the project that had solar paneled curtains. The idea seemed very innovative to me and almost futuristic. I also liked the lightbulb placer because I thought it was a fun idea for shorter people, such as myself.
I noticed that a lot of people used Prezi for this presentation, which is rare from all of my classes. I also liked to see the graphics from people in our class who had clearly had a lot of experience in some of the advanced programs. My favorite part of the presentations was seeing the cool graphics.
The part where the groups addressed the users and the clients got rather repetitive but other than that I learned a lot about the various ways to address the same assignment. Everyone's was really creative and cool.
My personal favorite was the project that had solar paneled curtains. The idea seemed very innovative to me and almost futuristic. I also liked the lightbulb placer because I thought it was a fun idea for shorter people, such as myself.
I noticed that a lot of people used Prezi for this presentation, which is rare from all of my classes. I also liked to see the graphics from people in our class who had clearly had a lot of experience in some of the advanced programs. My favorite part of the presentations was seeing the cool graphics.
The part where the groups addressed the users and the clients got rather repetitive but other than that I learned a lot about the various ways to address the same assignment. Everyone's was really creative and cool.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
- I liked the low pressure atmosphere of the class
- I liked how it didn't last the full hour and 48 minutes (my other classes that drag on that long become extremely tedious)
- I liked how I got to explore design on my own
- I liked how we got points for attending class
- I did not like how everything was due on a Monday- Wednesdays are prefereable
- I did not like having to read 2 books
My group for A05 was:
Scott Scherpenberg
Justin Rodgers
Shannon Catron
We designed the EcoStat for Coleman, a monitoring system for energy usage in houses and apartments.
I think we worked very cohesively as a group. We all contributed different parts to the Final Project. Scott worked in Illustrator, Justin worked in PhotoShop and Illustrator, and Shannon worked in a 3D program that I am not familiar with. At the beginning though, we all worked to formulate the idea of our EColeman design. Scott really put a lot of effort into the research of similar existing products intitally and that is what really allowed us to take off. Scott was definitely the leader of our group as he did a majority of the design and organized us into a Facebook group to coordinate times.
The final product looked really awesome. I was proud of myself because I successfully learned how to work Prezi during those two weeks, and although it is not a very difficult program, I think it will be really useful in my Business classes in the coming years. I was in charge of putting the project together into a coherent format, which is one of my specialties so I liked my role. Our graphics were one of the best in the class which is why I think our final product was so successful.
The design of the actual product was visually appealing and we had done enough research to back it up that it was actually a feasible product for Coleman. I also think we addressed the needs of the users as well as the client through our research of the company.
Here are some of the work we created:
Scott Scherpenberg
Justin Rodgers
Shannon Catron
We designed the EcoStat for Coleman, a monitoring system for energy usage in houses and apartments.
I think we worked very cohesively as a group. We all contributed different parts to the Final Project. Scott worked in Illustrator, Justin worked in PhotoShop and Illustrator, and Shannon worked in a 3D program that I am not familiar with. At the beginning though, we all worked to formulate the idea of our EColeman design. Scott really put a lot of effort into the research of similar existing products intitally and that is what really allowed us to take off. Scott was definitely the leader of our group as he did a majority of the design and organized us into a Facebook group to coordinate times.
The final product looked really awesome. I was proud of myself because I successfully learned how to work Prezi during those two weeks, and although it is not a very difficult program, I think it will be really useful in my Business classes in the coming years. I was in charge of putting the project together into a coherent format, which is one of my specialties so I liked my role. Our graphics were one of the best in the class which is why I think our final product was so successful.
The design of the actual product was visually appealing and we had done enough research to back it up that it was actually a feasible product for Coleman. I also think we addressed the needs of the users as well as the client through our research of the company.
Here are some of the work we created:
Our Final Product! Made by Scott Scherpenberg
Awesome screen shots and I like how we incorporated Coleman software into preexisting products
The two logos created by Justin Rodgers
Ecostat is the product we created and Ecoleman is the line
I really liked this project because we finally got to design something ourselves and we all brought our creative abilities to the table. Ours turned out extremely well and we all clearly enjoyed working on it.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Journal 08
Design and the Environment
The environment is very important to me, but I see where people have trouble protecting it. The products on the market are not necessarily catered to be environmentally friendly. People are often in a trap of settling for environmentally unfriendly products even if they would prefer to be more eco-conscious. I see where designers play a large role in changing the way that they create systems and products so that they do not harm our natural world. If new ideas and designs can be manufactured and produced at a price comparable to the ones currently on the market, then a real change can be made. So much depends on the designers of the initial product.
This company teamed up with the Environmental Protection Agency to promote more environmental design of products. Since it is sponsored by the government, it is a highly accredited agency. They identify what is considered safe for the environment and businesses that follow their standards will be able to flaunt their logo. It encourages businesses to use safer designs through this program.
Making Biodiesel
This is a new environmental design that can replace diesel in cars. In this YouTube video, he shows you how to make biodiesel at your own home using mostly food products. Biodiesel does not harm the environment the way that diesel does and the design is so simple that it can be made by an unprofessional chemist. I think it is pretty cool too!
Environmental Design: An Introduction for Architects and Engineers
This book is about building environmentally friendly structures, written for people who already have experience in architecture and engineering. It shows ways to effectively design to protect the environment based on buildings that have already been built and different types of alternative energy sources. The authors still aim to have people design aesthetically pleasing buildings but just include environmentalism.
Botanial Institute's new Home is built for the Future
This is a newspaper article about the Botanical Institute in Fort Worth's new location. It is an extremely eco-friendly structure and I thought the coolest part about it is that it has bamboo ceilings. It also has plants growing all over the roof as natural insulation. This is just one example of the many new buildings that are being built using innovative new technology that protects the environment.
Golf Course Irrigation: Environmental and Management Practices
This is another book about designing for the environment, but this book is about irrigating golf courses. It shows golf course designers how to create systems that will save money in the long run because of the energy it saves and it will also help save the environment.
This book is about building environmentally friendly structures, written for people who already have experience in architecture and engineering. It shows ways to effectively design to protect the environment based on buildings that have already been built and different types of alternative energy sources. The authors still aim to have people design aesthetically pleasing buildings but just include environmentalism.
Botanial Institute's new Home is built for the Future
This is a newspaper article about the Botanical Institute in Fort Worth's new location. It is an extremely eco-friendly structure and I thought the coolest part about it is that it has bamboo ceilings. It also has plants growing all over the roof as natural insulation. This is just one example of the many new buildings that are being built using innovative new technology that protects the environment.
Golf Course Irrigation: Environmental and Management Practices
This is another book about designing for the environment, but this book is about irrigating golf courses. It shows golf course designers how to create systems that will save money in the long run because of the energy it saves and it will also help save the environment.
Course Reflection 04
For the past two weeks we have just been working on our Coleman for the Home project. We quickly figured out that we all needed to have our laptops with us in class every day to have a productive work session. We are all working in different programs to create our final product. I like my group a lot and we created a very useful Facebook page that we post on. Hopefully our final product turns out well because we all have diverse interests in terms of design. Our project is more elaborate than what I had initally pictured when the project was assigned but I think that will make it stand out more.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Reading Reflection 03
Cradle to Cradle Chapters 1-6
McDonough and Braungart really assert the value of nature in Cradle to Cradle. The book was interesting because it made so many references to historical figures and time periods. It did not seem like the information they based the book off of was simply theoretical of hypothetical. The whole premise of the book is that the Industrial Revolution started the pollution and destruction of the natural world.
In a way, the authors seemed very anti-big business and liberal to me. At times it seemed like they were criticizing capitalism in the free market economy. In Chapter 3 titled "Being Less Bad is No Good" seemed overly idealistic to me. I understand the problems that current designs of business and machineries, but I don't understand how we can fix all of it with just the snap of our fingers. We will have to make a gradual change because the current infrastructure cannot possibly be changed that quickly.
I liked what they had to say about nature and how we should respect it and how important it is to life. However, I thought some of their arguments were almost overly romanticized and would appeal more to the nature loving types rather than the average human being who just wants to make more money. Their ideas on ways to make products more eco-effective were really cool and I think that it is more of a proactive way to solve the issue.
McDonough and Braungart really assert the value of nature in Cradle to Cradle. The book was interesting because it made so many references to historical figures and time periods. It did not seem like the information they based the book off of was simply theoretical of hypothetical. The whole premise of the book is that the Industrial Revolution started the pollution and destruction of the natural world.
In a way, the authors seemed very anti-big business and liberal to me. At times it seemed like they were criticizing capitalism in the free market economy. In Chapter 3 titled "Being Less Bad is No Good" seemed overly idealistic to me. I understand the problems that current designs of business and machineries, but I don't understand how we can fix all of it with just the snap of our fingers. We will have to make a gradual change because the current infrastructure cannot possibly be changed that quickly.
I liked what they had to say about nature and how we should respect it and how important it is to life. However, I thought some of their arguments were almost overly romanticized and would appeal more to the nature loving types rather than the average human being who just wants to make more money. Their ideas on ways to make products more eco-effective were really cool and I think that it is more of a proactive way to solve the issue.
Journal 06
Scott: I can tell you put a lot of effort into your assignment 4 because there are so many locations included in it. It was a really cool idea to use some of the modern artwork on campus and interpret them as letterforms. My favorites of your pictures are the "e" and the "s". The "e" is so creative and I don't think I would have noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out. The camera angle on the "s" makes the picture really interesting and the shape is very clear. Also--nice trade show pictures. You were able to find a lot more than I was.
Justin: I can't believe you were able to find the whole alphabet in letterforms. It is really cool. My favorite is the doorknob picture. I can tell you used cropping a lot to communicate the letters which is very effective. The indoor/outdoor good slideshow is also very well done and the large number of images make it ineresting to look through.
Shannon: The quality of your Letterform Seek and Find pictures is really, really good. I liked how you only spelled out words because I feel like it is easier to see what the letter is. My favorite of yours is the O in OSU because it looks so authentic and natural. The indoor/outdoor is also good.
Scott: I can tell you put a lot of effort into your assignment 4 because there are so many locations included in it. It was a really cool idea to use some of the modern artwork on campus and interpret them as letterforms. My favorites of your pictures are the "e" and the "s". The "e" is so creative and I don't think I would have noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out. The camera angle on the "s" makes the picture really interesting and the shape is very clear. Also--nice trade show pictures. You were able to find a lot more than I was.
Justin: I can't believe you were able to find the whole alphabet in letterforms. It is really cool. My favorite is the doorknob picture. I can tell you used cropping a lot to communicate the letters which is very effective. The indoor/outdoor good slideshow is also very well done and the large number of images make it ineresting to look through.
Shannon: The quality of your Letterform Seek and Find pictures is really, really good. I liked how you only spelled out words because I feel like it is easier to see what the letter is. My favorite of yours is the O in OSU because it looks so authentic and natural. The indoor/outdoor is also good.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Course Reflection 03
Although I already had some background knowledge in color theory, etc., it was a good review and something I constantly try to stay aware of when designing or working on anything. The relation to the design circle also made it more relevant.
The highlight of the past two weeks of Design have definitely been watching the movie Rip! A Remix Manifesto. I was not even aware that copyright and patents was really an issue at all because I have always assumed that the government has ultimate power in that issue. Since Napster was shut down when I was in third grade, accessing media without extensive and exhausting citation is illegal. It makes doing anything in terms of research a lot more effort which is not always necessary when the work is extremely old. It was really an empowering movie and I agree with the views, but what made it even better was the film editing. The editing grabbed my attention with the fast-paced cuts, loud music, and it looked like a lot of work in AfterEffects. It gave the film a very modern feel which was probably the intention of the filmmakers who were encouraging the viewer to move towards the future.
I also liked listening to the guest speakers because they were very easy to relate to since I came into college having virtually no idea what I wanted to do. I would, however, like to incorporate design and make it more relevant when I go into the business field, and their speech got me thinking about that.
The highlight of the past two weeks of Design have definitely been watching the movie Rip! A Remix Manifesto. I was not even aware that copyright and patents was really an issue at all because I have always assumed that the government has ultimate power in that issue. Since Napster was shut down when I was in third grade, accessing media without extensive and exhausting citation is illegal. It makes doing anything in terms of research a lot more effort which is not always necessary when the work is extremely old. It was really an empowering movie and I agree with the views, but what made it even better was the film editing. The editing grabbed my attention with the fast-paced cuts, loud music, and it looked like a lot of work in AfterEffects. It gave the film a very modern feel which was probably the intention of the filmmakers who were encouraging the viewer to move towards the future.
I also liked listening to the guest speakers because they were very easy to relate to since I came into college having virtually no idea what I wanted to do. I would, however, like to incorporate design and make it more relevant when I go into the business field, and their speech got me thinking about that.
Outdoor Camping and Recreation
Mountain Gear
The North Face Exhibition Booth:
REI Trade Show Booth:
Flylow Exhibition Booth:
Indoor Home Products
The Great Indoors
Value City Furniture
Pottery Barn
Ballard Designs
Greenwalt Furniture Display Booth:
Bradford Products:
DeepStream Designs Exhibition Booth:
INDOOR HOME GOODS- a product designed to be used inside a house, including appliances, furtniture, etc.
Mountain Gear
The North Face Exhibition Booth:
REI Trade Show Booth:
Flylow Exhibition Booth:
Indoor Home Products
The Great Indoors
Value City Furniture
Pottery Barn
Ballard Designs
Greenwalt Furniture Display Booth:
Bradford Products:
DeepStream Designs Exhibition Booth:
INDOOR HOME GOODS- a product designed to be used inside a house, including appliances, furtniture, etc.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Reading Response 02
In the 7th chapter of Heskett's book Design, he talks about designing products to cross cultural boundaries. I thought the reference to IBM was especially interesting because they were so dominant in the computer industry originally but fell from their glory due to the design and competition. The last chapter on systems is rather confusing. The general idea I got from it is that you have to find the end goal of the system and work to create a system, such as a kitchen to accomodate those specific needs. Heskett also talked a lot about competition, which leads me to realize the common thread throughout this book. Advancements in design is the key to beating out competition.
The Intro of Cradle to Cradle starts off a little bit annoying because it basically says that everything you see is harmful to the environment. It just seems extremely negative because we don't live in a perfect world and everything is not going to be good for the environment.
The Intro of Cradle to Cradle starts off a little bit annoying because it basically says that everything you see is harmful to the environment. It just seems extremely negative because we don't live in a perfect world and everything is not going to be good for the environment.
Journal 05
Scott: I really like the quality of the pictures on the Assignment 3. The descriptions of the different architects are very thorough and actually a lot longer than mine. The found faces is a slideshow which is very advanced and the pictures you took are really cool and creative, especially the basketball bracket.
Shannon: The picture of the waterfall as a face is AWESOME. I don't know how you found that but the angle on it makes the shot look really cool. I like how your blog is interesting to read with a lot of personality.
Justin: I like the new format for your blog with the slideshows. It makes it so that you don't have to scroll down the webpage as much and everything seems more organized. I like how you focused on household appliances for your Found Faces assignment. The firehook face is very creative and I don't think I would have noticed it if it hadn't been pointed out to me.
Scott: I really like the quality of the pictures on the Assignment 3. The descriptions of the different architects are very thorough and actually a lot longer than mine. The found faces is a slideshow which is very advanced and the pictures you took are really cool and creative, especially the basketball bracket.
Shannon: The picture of the waterfall as a face is AWESOME. I don't know how you found that but the angle on it makes the shot look really cool. I like how your blog is interesting to read with a lot of personality.
Justin: I like the new format for your blog with the slideshows. It makes it so that you don't have to scroll down the webpage as much and everything seems more organized. I like how you focused on household appliances for your Found Faces assignment. The firehook face is very creative and I don't think I would have noticed it if it hadn't been pointed out to me.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Journal 04
Faces in photos!
Some faces I cropped from old photos as well as some new ones I found around my dorm.
Course Reflection #2
In the past two weeks we have talked a lot about different goals of design. My favorite lecture was on the Design and the Environment. I am passionate about protecting our environment and I have noticed that very little can be done if the design of our world is not accomodating to easy environmentalism. For instance, environmental lightbulbs are designed so that they last way longer than regular lightbulbs, which is an incentive for the average consumer to buy them. People use whatever the market designs, so designers are working to create products that will minimize environmental harm at an affordable cost. I especially liked the video about the clean water bottle design. Lack of clean water is one of the world's biggest issues right now and it is amazing how there is already a proposed solution to this highly publicized problem.
The lecture on accessibility was also very interesting although I didn't find it as relevant to my own life because a lot of it was geared towards people with disabilities. I have, however, become more aware of the handicap access techniques that are seen throughout campus and how intentionally they are placed.
I loved the scavenger hunt because I got to talk to people in the class more than usually do, and we got to walk around on a nice day.
The lecture on accessibility was also very interesting although I didn't find it as relevant to my own life because a lot of it was geared towards people with disabilities. I have, however, become more aware of the handicap access techniques that are seen throughout campus and how intentionally they are placed.
I loved the scavenger hunt because I got to talk to people in the class more than usually do, and we got to walk around on a nice day.
Scott Scherpenberg:
Shannon Catron:
Justin Rodgers:
Scott brought a really nice camera the day of the scavenger hunt and also took the photographs. We started at the Wexner Center because it looked like most of the other teams were going another direction and we didn't want to have to fight for a place to take a picture. Basically we just tried to find the best route around campus so that we didn't have to circle around and walk further than necessary. Also we decided to take turns being in the pictures so that it would make a more interesting blog post. Since Scott took the pictures, he also uploaded them to his blog first so that the rest of the team could copy and paste them.
This is Justin in front of the Student Academic Services, designed by Acock and Associates. It was also constructed in a green way, maximizing solar heat.
The Blog Chair is designed by Karim Rashid. I am reading Plastic Design while sitting in it in the Knowlton Architecture Library. This chair spins when you sit in it and we decided it would be a good chair for playing video games.
This is me in front of the Math Tower on 18th Ave, designed by Philip Johnson.
This is Shannon in front of the Wexner Center for Arts, designed by Peter Eisenman. Construction of this modernist building ended in 1989.
This is our group in front of the Science and Engineering Library, constucted by Philip Johnson.
This is the main entrance archway, under which there is a convenient overhang that has protected me from this rain this April on more than one occassion.
Designer: Mies van der Rohe
This chair is very comfortable and is often paired with an accompanying ottoman.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Reading Reflection 1
The beginning of Design: A Very Short Introduction by John Haskett is about the meaning of design. I think the main purpose of this chapter is to show how open-ended the term "design is. It is really just the solution to problems and bettering the world. Haskett writes a bit about the evolution of design and I think it is interesting that he can classify time periods of design together. The history of design in the world is such a complicated history to generalize, especially because different cultures advanced at different times. To this day, there are still tribes in Africa who are technologically hundreds of years behind American culture. However, Haskett's generalization of the world as a whole was ineteresting because he found patterns in the different types of shapes that were common through time, and how we evolved to the industrial age and now when design is a huge industry.
The chapter on Utility and Significance analyzes why designs are created in a certain way. Heskett asserts that the design of a product serves a purpose. The design of anything can revolutionize a service, product, or really anything. The thing itself is seriously enhanced by the design and appeal to the public. I completely agree with this because I people are drawn to things that are attractive regardless of their content. The chapter on objects, I found to be to broad of a topic to read very coherently.
Heskeett reviews many designers objects, and I liked the section on Ferdinand Porsche because I reviewed him in my A02. I really liked the chapter on Communications because it is about the prominency of graphics in the modern world, which is something I would like to study more and eventually be able to generate on my own. Many of these images, especially street signs, are so familiar to people that we rarely take a step back to analyze the designers' intentions. Chapter 6 is all about environments which most closely relates with interior design. The environment that is being designed is crucial in the function of the space. It basically goes over the fact that environments change along with cultures, and designers work to keep the two in synch.
The chapter on Utility and Significance analyzes why designs are created in a certain way. Heskett asserts that the design of a product serves a purpose. The design of anything can revolutionize a service, product, or really anything. The thing itself is seriously enhanced by the design and appeal to the public. I completely agree with this because I people are drawn to things that are attractive regardless of their content. The chapter on objects, I found to be to broad of a topic to read very coherently.
Heskeett reviews many designers objects, and I liked the section on Ferdinand Porsche because I reviewed him in my A02. I really liked the chapter on Communications because it is about the prominency of graphics in the modern world, which is something I would like to study more and eventually be able to generate on my own. Many of these images, especially street signs, are so familiar to people that we rarely take a step back to analyze the designers' intentions. Chapter 6 is all about environments which most closely relates with interior design. The environment that is being designed is crucial in the function of the space. It basically goes over the fact that environments change along with cultures, and designers work to keep the two in synch.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
J 03
Scott Scherpenberg
The blogging platform you used is different than the one I used and I like the way it is organized. I like the way it is organized into tabs so that all of your postings are easily accessible and the blog is overall easy to navigate. Your posting about what you learned in the first two weeks of class was very similar to what I learned because I also talked a lot about the meaning of design. The logo on the top of your blog is really cool and makes the whole site look extremely professional and creative. The optical illusion was awesome and the layout of the page for J02 was made it easy to lookout and I liked the brief analyses of the patterns.
Justin Rodgers
I read Justin's blog at
The top of your blog is really cool and modern and it is clear that the colors and backgrounds have been very thoughtfully selected. I like the way that the blog is designed chronologically and the typefaces are consistent, but I think the font should be larger because I have trouble reading it. J 02 is interesting because it is like a matching game between the image patterns and the descriptions of each. I like that in a way because it allows the reader of the blog to choose which descriptions they want to read but also becomes a bit confusing. The smiley faces in the "About Me". I noticed that you have reiterated how the definition of design is very broad and that is good.
Shannon Catron
The background of your blog is really cool and it shows that you are an artistic student. I liked your reference to Starry Night in your course reflection because that is one of my favorite paintings. I think that is so cool that you were on the set of Sex and the City 2 (even though you think it is the worst movie ever.) It is creative that you used friends' clothing for the patterns that you analyzed. Your blog definitely has a lot of personality to the postings with the personal comments and such and it is actually a lot of fun to read.
The blogging platform you used is different than the one I used and I like the way it is organized. I like the way it is organized into tabs so that all of your postings are easily accessible and the blog is overall easy to navigate. Your posting about what you learned in the first two weeks of class was very similar to what I learned because I also talked a lot about the meaning of design. The logo on the top of your blog is really cool and makes the whole site look extremely professional and creative. The optical illusion was awesome and the layout of the page for J02 was made it easy to lookout and I liked the brief analyses of the patterns.
Justin Rodgers
I read Justin's blog at
The top of your blog is really cool and modern and it is clear that the colors and backgrounds have been very thoughtfully selected. I like the way that the blog is designed chronologically and the typefaces are consistent, but I think the font should be larger because I have trouble reading it. J 02 is interesting because it is like a matching game between the image patterns and the descriptions of each. I like that in a way because it allows the reader of the blog to choose which descriptions they want to read but also becomes a bit confusing. The smiley faces in the "About Me". I noticed that you have reiterated how the definition of design is very broad and that is good.
Shannon Catron
The background of your blog is really cool and it shows that you are an artistic student. I liked your reference to Starry Night in your course reflection because that is one of my favorite paintings. I think that is so cool that you were on the set of Sex and the City 2 (even though you think it is the worst movie ever.) It is creative that you used friends' clothing for the patterns that you analyzed. Your blog definitely has a lot of personality to the postings with the personal comments and such and it is actually a lot of fun to read.
A 02
Ferdinand Porsche
Porsche was one of the earliest automobile designers in history, although it is a very common field of work in the current day, a mere hundred years later. One of his greatest contributions to the automobile field is the invention of the first hybrid vehicles, which run on electric and petroleum for power. Also the picture (below) is Porsche's design of one of the first sports cars in the world. During World War I Porsche was the managing director of the company Austro-Daimler, a company that was responsible for much of the wartime machinery.
Porsche focused more on the design of sports vehicles and especially racing cars more so than larger sized vehicles. To this day, I think that Porsche's company is more closely associated with sleek sports cars than SUVs or other types of cars.
Works Cited:
Brown, David R. "Herb Lubalin — AIGA | the Professional Association for Design." AIGA | the Professional Association for Design. 1981. Web. 17 Apr. 2011. <
Bertoia is an Italian sculptor and furniture designer. He studied art and design at three different schools in America during his youth. In 1936 he taught metal work but after the war transitioned into designing furniture and sculptures. Bertoia spent most of his life in America although he spent his childhood in Italy. His signature creations are furniture pieces created with wire, which probably is because of his background in jewelry design.
His most famous furniture is called the Diamond Chair which is made of metal wires (above). He also designed Side Chair which implements his famous wireframe into a more traditionally shaped chair.
Porsche was one of the earliest automobile designers in history, although it is a very common field of work in the current day, a mere hundred years later. One of his greatest contributions to the automobile field is the invention of the first hybrid vehicles, which run on electric and petroleum for power. Also the picture (below) is Porsche's design of one of the first sports cars in the world. During World War I Porsche was the managing director of the company Austro-Daimler, a company that was responsible for much of the wartime machinery.
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Porsche focused more on the design of sports vehicles and especially racing cars more so than larger sized vehicles. To this day, I think that Porsche's company is more closely associated with sleek sports cars than SUVs or other types of cars.
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He created his own firm for automobile design called Porsche. Ferdinand's son also managed a part of the company after he was old enough. They produced goods for the Nazi party during WWII, the most famous of which is the Volkswagen Beetle. The VW Beetle is still produced over 60 years later than this design. Porsche designed many revolutionary automobiles for companies throughout Europe and his legacy lives today as his name holds one of the highest end cars in modern society.
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Works Cited:
Kelly, Prescot. "The Automotive Century: Most Influential People." Auto History Online n. pag. Web. 17 Apr 2011. <
Herb Lubalin
Lubalin was an American graphic designer and lived from 1918-1951. The focus of his design was on typefaces and fonts and. He worked at advertising agencies and produced graphic designs mainly for three magazines: Eros, Fact, and Avante Garde. In 1964 he created his own company for his graphic designs.
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The typefaces that Lubalin designed, especially Avante Garde, can be found in an average word processing program. I like this particular font and I think that Lubalin's contributions to the field of typography were revolutionary and new because it was not as popular of an art in the 50s and 60s since computers and visual communication did not receive nearly as much attention as they do now. People such as Lubalin changed the face of fields such as typography.
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Brown, David R. "Herb Lubalin — AIGA | the Professional Association for Design." AIGA | the Professional Association for Design. 1981. Web. 17 Apr. 2011. <
Harry Bertoia
Bertoia is an Italian sculptor and furniture designer. He studied art and design at three different schools in America during his youth. In 1936 he taught metal work but after the war transitioned into designing furniture and sculptures. Bertoia spent most of his life in America although he spent his childhood in Italy. His signature creations are furniture pieces created with wire, which probably is because of his background in jewelry design.
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Works Cited:
"Designer." Knoll. Web. 18 Apr. 2011. <
Monday, April 11, 2011
Course Reflection #1
In the first day of class I learned that the term design is a much broader topic than I had previously considered it. Also I was surprised by how much of an impact design had on the industrial world, and has been such a large part in the technology centered world in which we now live. Some of the industrial objects such as the telephone and the toilet are essential in modern society, and the design of these objects was crucial in shaping what we use today. The main point that I understood from the first lecture is that design is an open process: it involves the design of anything, and is not restricted to artistic pursuits.
I learned about the 3 types of design in the design department. The department I am most interested in is the Visual Communication department because I want to learn more about web design and PhotoShop. Also in the lecture I learned thing about fonts and spacing that I have already applied in my classes this week. It is surprising how many fields of work design can apply to.
So far what has especially stuck out in my head is that designers' inspiration comes from a problem that needs to be solved. Designers do not just abstractly think of things, but try to solve inconveniences.
I learned about the 3 types of design in the design department. The department I am most interested in is the Visual Communication department because I want to learn more about web design and PhotoShop. Also in the lecture I learned thing about fonts and spacing that I have already applied in my classes this week. It is surprising how many fields of work design can apply to.
So far what has especially stuck out in my head is that designers' inspiration comes from a problem that needs to be solved. Designers do not just abstractly think of things, but try to solve inconveniences.
This pattern is argyle. I have worn this pattern on my clothing since I was about 12 years old. This particular image is found on Google Images. I am drawn to this pattern because it has several different layers of diamonds and contrasting colors. Certain parts of the pattern jump out at you depending on how long you look at the image.
This is the zebrra print pattern, which I also wear regularly in my clothing.I found this pattern on Google Images but I have known of the zebra print ever since the first time I saw a zebra. I like this pattern because of the positive and negative values and the randomness of the stripes. It is interesting for the eye to follow because it is not symmetrical.
This is the tweed pattern which I first saw my dad wear when I was younger. He used to have tweed coats that he would wear around. I like it because all of the colors are somewhat drab and not too different. It is simple and the pattern is interesting. Also there is one color that dominates the other colors because it is most frequently which is why this pattern is so interesting.
I found this pattern online on April 11th on Google Images. I like it because it has vibrant colors of the rainbow, but the brightest color (red) is used the most infrequently because it stands out so much. I like vibrant patterns which is why I am drawn to this particular one.
This is a neon pattern that I found on Google Images this week which I was immediately drawn to.It is vibrant and almost 3D due to the shading.It almost has a glow-in-the-dark feel, like there are tubes jetting out from every direction. The neon colors makes this image especially standout and confuses the eye.
This is basic cardboard, but the top layer is torn of of some of it. I found this image on Google Images this week and liked it because it shows the slight texture of the material. Cardboard does not have a very noticeable texture, but this image captures the bumpy, linear texture of the cardboard and the precise pattern.
I found this image this week on Flickr. It is a basic tree trunk and it has a very organic pattern to it. There are a very narrow range of colors, only white, brown, and black. This pattern shows a lot of depth to the tree bark. The closer to the eye, the lighter the color. Also it is not a symmetrical pattern so it is clear that this pattern is a natural image.
I found this pattern today on the Vera Bradley website, which is a purse designer. This is a paisley pattern that is surrounded by flowers and dots. I like it because the shapes are not uniform or repeated. There are only a select few colors and there is so much going on. There are flowers inside and outside of larger shapes. Also the texture of the purse, which is the diamonds, adds depth to the already-busy pattern.
I retrieved this image on Google images this morning. I have never seen this image before but I like the way it deceives the eye. Upon first glance, it looks like a bunch of flowers, but the petals that make up the flowers are hearts. It is symmetrical and the colors are very earthy.
This pattern is on Google Images that I saw this week, but it is based on the color wheel. It shows dfferent shades of all of the colors on the color wheel, but becomes more of a pattern because it is based on star-shapes. The outside is circular, but the shades are represented in a more symmetrical form, which is why I was drawn to this image.
The Gloss. Web. 11 Apr 2011. <,r:2,s:0
"Zebra Print." Web. 11 Apr 2011. <,r:7,s:0>.
Highsnobeity. Web. 11 Apr 2011. <>
Web. 11 Apr 2011. <
Web. 11 Apr 2011. <,r:0,s:0>
Web. 11 Apr 2011. <,r:0,s:0>
Web. 11 Apr 2011. <,r:6,s:0
Flickr. Web. 11 Apr 2011. <>
Very Bradley. Web. 11 Apr 2011. <>
Web. 11 Apr 2011. <,r:5,s:0>
Web. 11 Apr 2011. <>
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